
TheFacebookpixelisapieceofcodethatyouplaceonyourwebsite.ItcollectsdatathathelpsyoutrackconversionsfromFacebookads,optimizeads,build ...,YoucanusetheMetaPixeltotrackyourwebsitevisitors'actionsalsoknownasconversiontracking.TrackedconversionsappearintheFacebookAdsManagerand ...,TheMetaPixelisasnippetofJavaScriptcodethatallowsyoutotrackvisitoractivityonyourwebsite.Itworksbyloadingasmalllibraryoffu...

How to Set Up Meta Pixel (Formerly Facebook Pixel)

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code that you place on your website. It collects data that helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads, build ...

Conversion Tracking - Meta Pixel

You can use the Meta Pixel to track your website visitors' actions also known as conversion tracking. Tracked conversions appear in the Facebook Ads Manager and ...

Meta Pixel - Documentation - Meta for Developers

The Meta Pixel is a snippet of JavaScript code that allows you to track visitor activity on your website. It works by loading a small library of functions which ...

Get Started - Meta Pixel - Documentation

The Meta Pixel is a snippet of JavaScript code that loads a small library of functions you can use to track Facebook ad-driven visitor activity on your website.

Facebook Pixel Code

Facebook pixels are code you can add to your website to measure the impact of your ads and unlock powerful solutions in Facebook advertising.

The Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code for your website that lets you measure, optimize and build audiences for your ad campaigns. You can think of this as ...

How to Set Up and Install the Meta Pixel

Paste the base code at the bottom of the header section, just above the closing head (</head>) tag, on every page of your website. Your ID will be included in ...

Specifications for Meta Pixel standard events

Your Meta Pixel base code: Your Meta Pixel code will look like the diagram above, except your pixel ID will be different from 1234567890. Your standard event ...


Facebook的像素就是 FB Pixel 也稱FB像素。這個像素就是一段程式碼,用於追蹤廣告的轉換次數、再行銷以及建立相似的受眾。 如果企業屬於有任何銷售 ...